Channel: Latest Questions by AwesomeFaceHD
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Button doesn't show up in pause

The pause function works but there is no button while paused. var paused : boolean = false; function Update () { if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) && paused == false) { paused = true; if...

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Problem accessing variable from another C# script

It says "An object reference is required to access non-static member `Messages.MessageText'" on line 21 and 23 in ItemSwordUneq ItemSwordUneq using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class...

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How to make text pop up for a few seconds?

Like in Call of Duty, when you get a kill, your XP pops up for a second and then disappears. How would this be done in Unity. If you could give me and example in a script, preferably C#, but JavaScript...

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Boolean is set to true but is unchecked in the inspector

I have a boolean called canLoad in my script. I set it to true in the code and in the inspector it's unchecked. I use it in the Menu_SP() method and when I start the game, it behaves how it should if...

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Best method to update games made in unity free?

Once I finish my game, I want to be able to send out updates. I know I can't use asset bundles because it's the free version. What methods are there to do this?

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Problems Importing Scene

I made a scene in an old project that I want in my new project. I tried copying the scene into my project, but everything was pink and I had a bunch of errors. I also tried exporting the old project as...

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How to disable mesh renderer of declared gameobject?

Hi, I have a script on my player and it needs to make my gun invisible that is child of my camera, which is a child of my player. I declared a gameobject and set my gun to it. I tried declaring a...

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Aim Down Sight Offset Changes After Weapon Swap

When I aim down sight the first time, it works fine http://gyazo.com/2eac134ac07219e865b3a57e7c930289.png Then I switch weapons, my secondary works fine too...

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Why does this not work?

I'm trying to make it really easy to rotate a cube when pressing the E key. I don't get any errors or anything, but when I play and press or hold E, nothing happens. How can make an object rotate...

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How to make an object go the direction it is facing?

I have a cube that is my player and I can move it with WASD. I can also rotate it with QE. When I rotate it though, it still goes the the same direction when I press a directional button. It doesn't...

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How can I input more than one digit numbers on my calculator I made?

I made a calculator and everything works fine, I just don't know how I would make it able to do more than one digit numbers. Can you please help me out? Here is the code: using UnityEngine; using...

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Problem accessing enum from other class

I'm trying to check the enum of an item from a list of a class called Item. I get an error that says it can't access the static member with an instance reference. Here are the scripts: Item class:...

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Method is called, but GUI doesn't show up

I have a chest that is supposed to display either player inventory or the chest's inventory. The first menu has buttons to choose which of the inventories to display, when I click the buttons, it stays...

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Best/Cheapest Way To Have Online Accounts On PC?

I want users to have their own online accounts when the play my games. I would like to be able to create and login to this account across all of my games. Coding it isn't really the problem, it's where...

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Access a variable easily from anywhere

I want to be able to make a variable for the character's name that the player will choose, then easily be able to put it anywhere, something like %playerName%(not exactly that, just showing what I...

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Best method for Skyrim-Like character customization?

I was planning to do some kind of character customization, similar to Skyrim, but not near as detailed. I was just planning to do a few different hairstyles, colors, and clothes. I can't think of any...

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Find angle between two gameobjects?

I know this has been asked a lot, but the only answer I see is Vector3.Angle, I don't want to use that. I'm making a graphing calculator, I have everything working fine, except I can't find what angle...

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Add random amount of random items from one list to another?

I have a list that contains every item in my game and a list list for chest contents. I want to randomly choose some items from the main items list to put in the chest list, but based on a rarity enum...

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Can you use GUIStyle with GUILayout?

I tried it and got an error that GUIContent had some invalid arguments. How do you use GUIStyle with GUILayout? I really need to do it.

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How to make camera only follow object rotation on x and y axis?

I have a spaceship game I'm making and I want the camera to rotate with the spaceship on only the x and y. I don't want the camera rolling with the ship, just tilting and turning. Smooth follow seems...

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Too tired to figure this out...

I know this would normally be a pretty easy task, but I just woke up after four hours of sleep and cannot for the life of me figure it out. So basically I want to open up a GUI when I push a button,...

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Error when transferring items from one list to another

I have an inventory and chest system setup and it works pretty good for the most part. When I click an item in the chest it goes to my inventory, and vice versa. But if the chest has more items than my...

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Make LineRenderer from one Vector3 to another Vector3?

I made a graphing calculator and I want to connect the points that are spawned with a LineRenderer. I have this function that I want call the line with: void DrawLine(Vector3 a, Vector3 b) { // Code to...

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Having problem with constructor

I'm making an inventory system and I want to code all the items in manually using a constructor, I find it more fun that way, but I'm getting an error. Item Class: using UnityEngine; using...

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Can't access methods from class

So I have this script with two classes: using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class GameItem { public string ItemName { get; set; } public string ItemDesc { get; set; } public Item_Type...

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